Its So Not True!

This is a NEW all creative inspired page by me, adrriaa. I worked really hard on this page, so no bad comments please!!


ISNT #1: “If you are a non and you buy gems with ecoins, you can still get the rare points medal.”

— This just isn’t true! Only thing you’re doing is getting items you can’t get with regular gems, if you’re a non. I say just look into the combos for the things you want from Orions, and just hope you get that item! Or, something better, save up your ecoins or get more ecoins and get items that you would actually want, instead of taking chances. You’ll hopefully find yourself much happier with the use of your precious ecoins.

ISNT #2: If i’m mean to people now and then become a member, lots of people will like me!

— Ok that was the stupidest thing i’ve ever seen, and I’ve been on Fantage since 2009. Sure, go ahead and be mean to people now. And when you become a member, expect people to be mean back! You’re gonna be the loneliest Fantage member in the History of Fantageans.

ISNT #3: Nons have better stuff than mems”

— Ok. I used to think this all the time. And then I became a member. I found out that members get waay better stuff. But both mems and nons are original. So don’t go around saying Mems vs Nons, my plcccc. Please no. Just… don’t.

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